The Secretariat Meeting Minutes
August 15th 2024 Call to Order and Prayer: Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm. Prayer was given by Judy Barnes. Spiritual Director Message: Given by Jerod Odoms. “David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.“ 1 Samuel 17:45 Members in Attendance: Garry Phelps, Ken Phelps, Laura Tompkins, David Tompkins, Sarah Odoms, Jerod Odoms, Kim Looney, Janet Trumbull, and Jill Thomas. Guest: Angie Meyers, Don Meyers and Judy Barnes. Minutes from June 20, 2024: (there was not a meeting in July) An amendment was made changing the month from June to May in the Minutes. A motion to approve Minutes was made by Ken Phelps and 2nd by Sarah Odoms, motion carried. Treasurer's Report: Both June and July were given. The bank reconciliation was missing in July's Statement, it will be corrected and emailed. A motion was made by Sarah Odoms to reimburse Judy Barnes $150.00 for attending Montana International, ($75.00 fee and $75.00 travel expenses) as discussed in May's meeting. It was 2nd by Laura Tomkins, motion carried. A motion to approve the Treasurer Reports was made by Ken Phelps and 2nd by Sarah Odoms, motion carried. Communication Report: Jerod Odoms will be submitting a small message from the Spiritual Director, including asking for prayer requests, to Janet Trumbull for the monthly Newsletter. The approved Minutes will be posted with the Newsletter, and on the TVTD website. Fourth Day Report: July's Sequela in Filer had a good turn out. Sarah Odoms will be reaching out to Jean Hershey to discuss the possibility of having regular Secuelas in Filer in addition to the Secuelas here. The next Secuela will be August 25th at PUMC. Women’s Leader Report: Judy Barnes has accepted the call to be Rectora. Men's Leader Report: None Rector and Rectora Report: Judy Barnes is being provided with a list of approved Spiritual Directors. Judy and Don both have names of potential Vices. International Report: Tabled Camp Selection Committee Report: Janet Trumbull provided the Secretariat with a detailed presentation of the Intermountain Christian Camp in Fairfield, ID. After much discussion it was decided Janet would contact the camp regarding the following: - Is the total cost per person $140.00? - Is the camp available for the last team meeting to take place toward the end of March, and what is the cost to hold a team meeting there. - Is the camp available for the Men’s weekend to be held April 24th-27th and the Women's weekend to be held May 1st-4th? TVTD Pescadores Needs: Laura Tompkins will start sending cards to our TVTD family with prayer requests. Prayer and Closing: Garry Phelps closed the meeting with prayer at 8:36. Next meeting September 19th at Weiser Christian Church TVTD Secretariat Proxy Vote A proxy vote was taken via email on 08/23/24 to move the camp location for the 2025 TVTD weekends from Camp IdaHaven to Intermountain Christian Camp in Fairfield. The vote passed in the affirmative.
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