Treasure Valley Tres Dias
Secretariat Meeting Notes February 16, 2018 Board members in attendance: Jerod Odoms, Bob Steckley, Jean Hershey, Adele Crownover, Pastor Cates, Ron Hershey, Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Board members not in attendance: Judy Barns and Don Crownover Non board members in attendance: Maria Ferrara Call to order by Jerod Odoms Prayer – Given by Pastor Cates Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Emailed out Ron Hershey motioned to approve Minutes, Adele Crownover, 2nded the motion and all members present approved. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Steckley presented Treasurers report with a total deposits of $1630.00. The deposits was$1050.00 for Team fees, $250.00 for Candidate fees $270.00 for delegate travel and $50.00 for t-shirt sales. Disbursements of $61.43. This was for pay pal fees, candidate brochures and $25.00 for church rental. Making the ending balance of $5673.53 on the book. With the bank balance of $5698.53 because one check is outstanding. Jean Hershey motioned to accept, 2nded by Ron Hershey and all members present approved. NOTE: Bob Steckley wants us to be very much aware of the budget. Because of a pattern in spending he is seeing. He will bring more information at the next meeting. Old Business.
Closing Prayer- Chrystle Fuentes
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January 2025