e2 - 7/1/22 President's CornerDearest Pescadores, We have initiated this newsletter in an effort to “bind us together”. Our sister Jean Hershey has graciously taken this on in the midst of a very busy life. Such an example of serving our Lord Jesus. I receive such encouragement from her example has I do with so many of you. I feel I know many of you well enough to know you too are serving the Lord in so many ways. This is living the fourth day in faith, hope, and love. Together with the serving you do, I pray many of you will serve in the spring of 2023 to further the Tres Dias method of discipleship training to strengthen the local church. With this, I pray that any of you that find it difficult to fit into a local church will reach out to fellow Pescadores and Bind yourself together. Again, I thank you for your love for Jesus and each other. Garry Phelps JULY SECUELA SUMMER FUNFEST!YES! Our next Treasure Valley Tres Dias Secuela is a Family get-together in the Park! When: July 16th, 1 - 4 pm (Set-up is at 12 if anyone wants to help!) ~~~~~~~ Where: Payette Kiwana's Park (right across from Albertsons) ~~~~~~~ Bring: a food item to share, it's a Potluck! ~~~~~~~ Also, Swimsuits if you want to swim at the Payette Pool: cost $3 Youth, $4 Adult ~~~~~~~ Also, bring along any Lawn Games and Plenty of drinks to stay hydrated in the heat, and Your Own CHAIRS! ~~~~~~~~ We plan to have Cornhole, Volleyball, MUSIC, and there is a small playground for the kids! ~~~~~~~ SPONSORS! Contact your Candidates (now Pescadores) and re-invite them to come and join in the 4th Day Fun!! The Time is Now!Making a decision to Serve on a Weekend as a member of the Team is something you can do right now! Anyone who has attended the weekend as a Candidate can now serve as a Team Member! Why start this early you may say?
There are so many good reasons to make an early commitment to serve! If you are ready for that, here is a link to put the commitment in writing now. Fall Bazaar Table for SponsorshipComing on OCTOBER 14 & 15! We plan to have a table at the annual Fall Bazaar that is held at Payette Church of the Nazarene as a Fundraiser to help with Scholarships for Candidates for the upcoming Weekends! Here is how you can help:
Is it time for you to serve?
The Treasure Valley Community needs YOU! Secretariat Positions currently needed to be filled: MEN's Leader Communications Please pray about serving on your Secretariat. If you are interested in learning more about these positions, click on them above, pray, talk to friends and family, then contact any of the current serving Secretariat members: President: Garry Phelps, call Vice-President: Ken Phelps Communications: Jean Hershey Secretary: Angie Meyer Treasurer: Carrie Broyles Men's Leader: Praying Women's Leader: Adele Crownover Fourth Day: Nancy Kolar Spiritual Director: Danny Crego ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLESSINGS TO YOU, See Ya At The Secuela Summer FunFest!! July 16th!
August 2024