Treasure Valley Tres Dias Secretariat Meeting Notes October 20, 2017 Board members in attendance: Jerod Odoms, Bob Steckley, Judy Barnes, Pastor Jerry Cate, Ron Hershey Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Board members not in attendance: Jean Hershey, Adele and Don Crownover. Non board members in attendance: Teresa Waynetska, Sarah Odoms and Don Meyer 1) Call to order by Jerod Odoms 2) Prayer – Given by Pastor Cates 3) Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Emailed out Judy Barnes motioned to approve Minutes, Ron Hershey 2nded the motion and all members present approved. 4) Treasurer’s Report – Bob Steckley presented Treasurers report with a total deposits of $524.00. The deposits were donations for delegate costs to travel to Tres Dias international. Making the ending balance of $4116.25 and bank balance of$ 4092.25. Ron Hershey motioned to accept, 2nded by Angie Meyer and all members present approved. 5) Old Business a. Update on Team manual. Jerod is getting the digital version Peggy and will have it updated by the first team meeting. 6) New Business a. Men’s weekend update: Ron Hershey – things are good and have peace. Spiritual directors are in place. b. Women’s weekend update: Teresa Waynetska- Bill Hass declined as spiritual director and Donna Buckley, she has not heard back from. c. Team Meeting Dates bought forth for approval. November 4th 10-2 Lunch will be provided January 20th 9-12 February 24th 9-12 March 17th 9-3 Lunch will be provided April 14th 9-12 Chrystle Fuentes motioned to approve, 2nd by Judy Barnes and all members present approved. d. Report from Sarah Odoms, Teresa Waynetska and Judy Barnes about trip to international. Proxy to vote for update to weekend Questor passed – This means that the weekend ends after apostolic hour. So no change for us. Judy Barns is now a voting member of international polices committee. e. Delegates cost to go to international: Delegate is Sarah Odoms and the total cost was $1257.39. 7) Round Table Discussion a. Sequela for November and December: due to the fact that the November Sequela falls on Thanksgiving weekend and Decembers falls on Christmas Eve. It was motioned to be combined the two and have the Sequels on December 3rd. Chrystle Fuentes motion to except, 2nd by Ron Hershey and all members present approved. b. Discussion: Fund raising for to help with funding delegate going to international. Selling t-shirts with Tres Dias cross. Jerod is checking into copy write issues, if there is any. c. Discussion about hosting an international meeting in our area in about 3 years. It will be brought before our community at the Sequela for their input. Be in prayer about this. d. Jerod Odoms would like the two Vice Rectors to attend the Secretariat Meeting next time to see how they are doing. Chrystle Fuentes Motioned to close the meeting, 2nd by Ron Hershey and all members present approved. 8) Closing prayer- Pastor Cate
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