Treasure Valley Tres Dias
Secretariat Meeting Notes April 13, 2017 Board members in attendance: Jerod Odoms, Bob Steckley, Jean Hershey, Jennifer Krehbiel (Face Time), Pastor Cates, Ron Hershey, Judy Barnes, Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Non board members in attendance: Teresa Waynetska, Call to order by Jerod Odoms Prayer – Given by Pastor Cates Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Emailed out. Judy Barns motioned to approve Minutes, Chrystle Fuentes 2nd the motion and all members present approved. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Steckley presented Treasurers report. Total deposits of $2950.00. $2125.00 team fee, $725.00 candidate fee, $100 donation from Treas Dias international visitor. Payed out $50.00 Use of church PUMC and $11.48 Pay Pal fees. With all this our ending balance is $10,077.84. Chrystle Fuentes motioned to accept, 2nd by Judy Barns and all members present approved. Old Business
New Business
Round Table Discussion:
Close meeting: Chrystle Fuentes Motioned to close the meeting, 2nd by Jean Hershey and all percent approved. Closing Prayer- Pastor Cates.
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August 2024