Treasure Valley Tres Dias
Secretariat Meeting Notes August 18th 2017 In attendance Jerod Odoms, Ron Hershey, Jean Hershey, Bob Steckly, Judy Barn, Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Non board members: Jerry Cates, Sarah Odoms, Teresa Waynestka 1) Call to Order by Jerod Odoms 2) Prayer – Give by Pastor Cates 3) Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Read by Jerod Odoms. Ron moved to approve Minutes, Jean Hershey 2nded the motion all members present approved. 4) Treasurer’s Report – Bob presented Treasurers report with no change from last Secretariat with beginning and ending balance of $3791.25. Jean Hershey motioned to accept and 2nded by Ron Hershey all members present approved 5) Old Business a. Update from International – Jerod Odoms – After discussing with International and researching he was able to determine the Team position manual we currently use was voted on by the Secretarial, per international if the body has voted on it does apply and is our rules. Jean suggested that we update it due to the controversy it is causing. Jerod is going to to work on going thru it and finding gaps in it vs the bylaws and bring suggested changes back to the Secretariat for review/suggestions. b. New Trailer update from Adele – Trailers are averaging around 1700 to 2000 c. New Secretariat members welcomed. d. Insurance – Teresa transferred our insurance to Three Rivers this includes our Liability insurances, the trailer as well as some of the music equipment. 6) New Business a. Update from International - Sarah Odoms – Sara talked about her experience attending international in Houston b. National dues $140.00 due in Sept. Bob will send a check. c. Official TVTD Contact Information. – Jean will update Jerods Name to show for the official contact. Our new address is P.O. Box 15 in Payette Bob and Jerod will be the two members who have Keys to the P.O. Box d. Discuss Jerry Cate filling in as Spiritual director. There was discussion and this was discussed Ron motioned to approve, Judy 2nded it all members present approved e. Discuss Jerry Cate and Joel Rice as weekend spiritual directors this was discussed Bob motioned to approve both Jerry and Joel Jean 2nded all members present approved. f. Sarah has been asked to be a delegate of Tres Dias International on the Membership Committee. This was discussed, Judy motioned to approve and Ron 2nded it all members present approved g. It was discussed if the secretariat could help fund Sarah’s Travel costs to attend Tres Dias International gatherings since she is now an official delegate. This was discussed, Chrystle motioned that we approve to help in paying travel costs Bob 2nded it all members present approved. It was determined that when Sarah is planning her travels she will bring the costs to the board and we will look at what we can approve to help with. 7) Mens weekend update: Ron said Planning is going well. 8) Womans Weekend update: Teresa said planning is also going well. 9) Closing prayer
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