Members of the Secretariat Present: Don & Adele Crownover, Jerod Odoms, Teresa Waynetska, Bob Steckley, Mike Hall, Jean Hershey and Judy Barnes
Members Not Present: Lyn & Jeanie Hershey Others Present: Ron Hershey *Just prior to the start of the meeting, Larry Phelps resigned his position as President of the Secretariat. Meeting Called to Order: Jerod called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm. Mike prayed. Minutes Read: The minutes of the last meeting were read. Jean motioned to accept the minutes as read, Don seconded. Motion carried, minutes approved. Treasurer’s Report: Bob read the Treasurer’s Report beginning balance $4,071.22. No income received and total expenses were $279.97 leaving the ending balance at $3,791.25. Teresa moved and Don seconded to approve the report as read. All were in favor and the motion carried. Bob presented a report showing the past 3 years income and expenses. He also prepared a tentative budget for 2018. This is helpful information that will be useful going forward when preparing for future weekends. OLD BUSINESS: Liability Insurance Update: Teresa will take the policy to a local agent for review and quotes for the future. Storage Rental: The trailer will be unloaded Saturday evening into one of the back offices of Ron’s building New Camp: This was tabled for now. Secreatary and Men’s Leader openings: There are several nominations for the position of secretary and one name submitted for men’s leader. The vote will take place at the July meeting. Rector/Rectora Qualifications: Jean completed the list of current and inactive members of Treasure Valley Tres Dias. It includes names, addresses, year of candidacy, positions served and talks given. This will be very helpful information when choosing future leaders as well as placing team members in places they have not had the opportunity to serve. NEW BUSINESS: Pre-weekend Committee: There was lots of discussion concerning the pre-weekend committee. Some of the documents appear to in conflict concerning the duties and who appoints them. The President will appoint this committee. Spritual Director Approval: Ron is interested in asking Larry L to lead the spiritual directors along with Joel Rice and Jerry Cate. Jerod motioned to approve these, Mike seconded and the motion carried. Secretary Book: The minutes binder is completely full. It was suggested that it be archived with whoever the current secretary is. It was also recommended to convert it to a digital copy at some point to have a back up copy in a separate location. ROUND TABLE: TVTD Mailing Address: Jean brought up the fact that there is no real official address for TVTD. It was suggested that we get a PO box and get all mail forwarded to the new address. Teresa will get the box opened, the secretary and the president will have the keys to the box. Jerod will talk to Larry about forwarding the mail to the box once the number is obtained. Mike motioned to get this done as soon as possible and Don seconded. All were in favor. Spiritual Directors: It was suggested that we start to look for nominations for new Spiritual Directors to sit on the board. Lyn and Jeanie are in Washington and will not be available to be hands on at meetings, secuelas, etc. Several options are Joel Rice, Jerry Cate and possibly Kurt Kaiser. Thank You Note: It was suggested that we send a personal thank you card to Larry for his service on the Secretariat. Adele will take care of this. TD International Meeting: Sarah will be attending the Tres Dias International meeting in Texas in July She will take lots of notes and present a report at a future meeting. Essentials Training: There was a discussion about added a 5 minute presentation on weekend essentials at each Secuela in order to get more information out in the community. It was agreed to and will start at the next Secuela June Secuela: Maggie and Sam will speak at the next secuela. President Position: There was discussion about the recently vacated president position and how to go about filling it. Judy moved that we move Jerod from the vice-president position to president effective immediately. Don seconded and the vote was unanimous. We will now be on the search for vice-president nominations. Next Secretariat Meeting: The next meeting will be July 21st @ 6:30 pm at the Salsa Grill. Mike moved to close the meeting at 8:13, Don seconded, motion carried. Ron prayed.
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January 2025