Treasure Valley Tres Dias
Secretariat Meeting Notes September 15, 2017 Board members in attendance: Jerod Odoms, Jean Hershey, Bob Steckley, Judy Barnes, Pastor Jerry Cate, Adele Crownover, Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Board members not in attendance: Ron Hershey, Don Crownover Non board members in attendance: Teresa Waynetska 1) Call to order by Jerod Odoms 2) Prayer – Given by Pastor Cates 3) Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Emailed out Jean Hershey motioned to approve Minutes, Judy Barnes 2nded the motion and all members present approved. 4) Treasurer’s Report – Bob Steckley presented Treasurers report with three checks being wrote. Check #1129 to Teresa Waynetka, for the Post Office Box, in the amount of $64.00. Check #1130 to Tres Deas International, for Dues, in the amount of $140.00.Check # 1131 to Payette Methodist Church, for church rental, in the amount of $25.00. Deposit of $30.00. With an ending balance of $3592.25 after these disbursements and deposit. Chrystle Fuentes motioned to accept, 2nded by Ablele Crownover and all members present approved. 5) Old Business a. Review the potential changes to Team Manual regarding pre –weekend committee after discussion. Member chose Pre-weekend Committee is comprised of Men’s leader, Women’s Leader and Treasurer. Judy Barnes motioned to accept, 2nded by Angie Meyer and all members present approved. b. Review the potential changes to the Treasure Valley Tres Dias Positions Manual. Section G. (Guidelines for Rector/Rectora). After discussion with agreement Jean Hershey motioned to except changes, 2nded by Chrystle Fuentes and all members present approved. c. Discussion about Sarah Odoms attending Tres Dias International and what financial support we will be provided. It was decided that we will pay Sarah’s way 100%. Because she is our delegate. Judy Barnes motioned to accept, 2nded by Chrystle Fuentes and all member present did not approve. There was one no. There was also a donation of $500.00 to help with Sarah’s travels. d. Trailer – we will continue to look for a bigger trailer. Adele Crownover says that Payette Nazarene still would like to buy our trailer. It was also discussed, that if Payette Nazarene want to use the trail and give us a love offering. 6) New Business a. Sequela’s Location and notification will go out through communication 2 week before Sequela and then a week before. This will be communicated of the Men and woman’s Face Book pages, on our web page and by email. b. Sequela the 24th of September will be hosted Canyon Springs Christian Church. October Sequela not confirmed. Waiting to hear from Abele Crownover about Payette Nazarene hosting Octobers Sequela. 7) Men’s weekend update: No update gives. Ron Hershey was not present. 8) Woman’s Weekend update: Teresa Waynetska, Discuss Donna Buckley and Bill Haes to be spiritual directors for the woman’s weekend. After discussion and if they will except. Motion was made by Chrystle Fuentes, 2nded by Jean Hershey and all members present approved 9) Closing prayer- Pastor Cate
8/5/2024 04:52:06 am
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8/5/2024 05:23:35 am
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