Treasure Valley Tres Dias
Secretariat Meeting Notes September 15, 2017 Board members in attendance: Jerod Odoms, Jean Hershey, Bob Steckley, Judy Barnes, Pastor Jerry Cate, Adele Crownover, Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Board members not in attendance: Ron Hershey, Don Crownover Non board members in attendance: Teresa Waynetska 1) Call to order by Jerod Odoms 2) Prayer – Given by Pastor Cates 3) Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Emailed out Jean Hershey motioned to approve Minutes, Judy Barnes 2nded the motion and all members present approved. 4) Treasurer’s Report – Bob Steckley presented Treasurers report with three checks being wrote. Check #1129 to Teresa Waynetka, for the Post Office Box, in the amount of $64.00. Check #1130 to Tres Deas International, for Dues, in the amount of $140.00.Check # 1131 to Payette Methodist Church, for church rental, in the amount of $25.00. Deposit of $30.00. With an ending balance of $3592.25 after these disbursements and deposit. Chrystle Fuentes motioned to accept, 2nded by Ablele Crownover and all members present approved. 5) Old Business a. Review the potential changes to Team Manual regarding pre –weekend committee after discussion. Member chose Pre-weekend Committee is comprised of Men’s leader, Women’s Leader and Treasurer. Judy Barnes motioned to accept, 2nded by Angie Meyer and all members present approved. b. Review the potential changes to the Treasure Valley Tres Dias Positions Manual. Section G. (Guidelines for Rector/Rectora). After discussion with agreement Jean Hershey motioned to except changes, 2nded by Chrystle Fuentes and all members present approved. c. Discussion about Sarah Odoms attending Tres Dias International and what financial support we will be provided. It was decided that we will pay Sarah’s way 100%. Because she is our delegate. Judy Barnes motioned to accept, 2nded by Chrystle Fuentes and all member present did not approve. There was one no. There was also a donation of $500.00 to help with Sarah’s travels. d. Trailer – we will continue to look for a bigger trailer. Adele Crownover says that Payette Nazarene still would like to buy our trailer. It was also discussed, that if Payette Nazarene want to use the trail and give us a love offering. 6) New Business a. Sequela’s Location and notification will go out through communication 2 week before Sequela and then a week before. This will be communicated of the Men and woman’s Face Book pages, on our web page and by email. b. Sequela the 24th of September will be hosted Canyon Springs Christian Church. October Sequela not confirmed. Waiting to hear from Abele Crownover about Payette Nazarene hosting Octobers Sequela. 7) Men’s weekend update: No update gives. Ron Hershey was not present. 8) Woman’s Weekend update: Teresa Waynetska, Discuss Donna Buckley and Bill Haes to be spiritual directors for the woman’s weekend. After discussion and if they will except. Motion was made by Chrystle Fuentes, 2nded by Jean Hershey and all members present approved 9) Closing prayer- Pastor Cate
Treasure Valley Tres Dias
Secretariat Meeting Notes August 18th 2017 In attendance Jerod Odoms, Ron Hershey, Jean Hershey, Bob Steckly, Judy Barn, Angie Meyer and Chrystle Fuentes Non board members: Jerry Cates, Sarah Odoms, Teresa Waynestka 1) Call to Order by Jerod Odoms 2) Prayer – Give by Pastor Cates 3) Minutes, additions/corrections and approval – Read by Jerod Odoms. Ron moved to approve Minutes, Jean Hershey 2nded the motion all members present approved. 4) Treasurer’s Report – Bob presented Treasurers report with no change from last Secretariat with beginning and ending balance of $3791.25. Jean Hershey motioned to accept and 2nded by Ron Hershey all members present approved 5) Old Business a. Update from International – Jerod Odoms – After discussing with International and researching he was able to determine the Team position manual we currently use was voted on by the Secretarial, per international if the body has voted on it does apply and is our rules. Jean suggested that we update it due to the controversy it is causing. Jerod is going to to work on going thru it and finding gaps in it vs the bylaws and bring suggested changes back to the Secretariat for review/suggestions. b. New Trailer update from Adele – Trailers are averaging around 1700 to 2000 c. New Secretariat members welcomed. d. Insurance – Teresa transferred our insurance to Three Rivers this includes our Liability insurances, the trailer as well as some of the music equipment. 6) New Business a. Update from International - Sarah Odoms – Sara talked about her experience attending international in Houston b. National dues $140.00 due in Sept. Bob will send a check. c. Official TVTD Contact Information. – Jean will update Jerods Name to show for the official contact. Our new address is P.O. Box 15 in Payette Bob and Jerod will be the two members who have Keys to the P.O. Box d. Discuss Jerry Cate filling in as Spiritual director. There was discussion and this was discussed Ron motioned to approve, Judy 2nded it all members present approved e. Discuss Jerry Cate and Joel Rice as weekend spiritual directors this was discussed Bob motioned to approve both Jerry and Joel Jean 2nded all members present approved. f. Sarah has been asked to be a delegate of Tres Dias International on the Membership Committee. This was discussed, Judy motioned to approve and Ron 2nded it all members present approved g. It was discussed if the secretariat could help fund Sarah’s Travel costs to attend Tres Dias International gatherings since she is now an official delegate. This was discussed, Chrystle motioned that we approve to help in paying travel costs Bob 2nded it all members present approved. It was determined that when Sarah is planning her travels she will bring the costs to the board and we will look at what we can approve to help with. 7) Mens weekend update: Ron said Planning is going well. 8) Womans Weekend update: Teresa said planning is also going well. 9) Closing prayer Members of the Secretariat Present: Don & Adele Crownover, Jerod Odoms, Teresa Waynetska, Bob Steckley, Mike Hall, Jean Hershey and Judy Barnes
Members Not Present: Lyn & Jeanie Hershey Others Present: Ron Hershey *Just prior to the start of the meeting, Larry Phelps resigned his position as President of the Secretariat. Meeting Called to Order: Jerod called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm. Mike prayed. Minutes Read: The minutes of the last meeting were read. Jean motioned to accept the minutes as read, Don seconded. Motion carried, minutes approved. Treasurer’s Report: Bob read the Treasurer’s Report beginning balance $4,071.22. No income received and total expenses were $279.97 leaving the ending balance at $3,791.25. Teresa moved and Don seconded to approve the report as read. All were in favor and the motion carried. Bob presented a report showing the past 3 years income and expenses. He also prepared a tentative budget for 2018. This is helpful information that will be useful going forward when preparing for future weekends. OLD BUSINESS: Liability Insurance Update: Teresa will take the policy to a local agent for review and quotes for the future. Storage Rental: The trailer will be unloaded Saturday evening into one of the back offices of Ron’s building New Camp: This was tabled for now. Secreatary and Men’s Leader openings: There are several nominations for the position of secretary and one name submitted for men’s leader. The vote will take place at the July meeting. Rector/Rectora Qualifications: Jean completed the list of current and inactive members of Treasure Valley Tres Dias. It includes names, addresses, year of candidacy, positions served and talks given. This will be very helpful information when choosing future leaders as well as placing team members in places they have not had the opportunity to serve. NEW BUSINESS: Pre-weekend Committee: There was lots of discussion concerning the pre-weekend committee. Some of the documents appear to in conflict concerning the duties and who appoints them. The President will appoint this committee. Spritual Director Approval: Ron is interested in asking Larry L to lead the spiritual directors along with Joel Rice and Jerry Cate. Jerod motioned to approve these, Mike seconded and the motion carried. Secretary Book: The minutes binder is completely full. It was suggested that it be archived with whoever the current secretary is. It was also recommended to convert it to a digital copy at some point to have a back up copy in a separate location. ROUND TABLE: TVTD Mailing Address: Jean brought up the fact that there is no real official address for TVTD. It was suggested that we get a PO box and get all mail forwarded to the new address. Teresa will get the box opened, the secretary and the president will have the keys to the box. Jerod will talk to Larry about forwarding the mail to the box once the number is obtained. Mike motioned to get this done as soon as possible and Don seconded. All were in favor. Spiritual Directors: It was suggested that we start to look for nominations for new Spiritual Directors to sit on the board. Lyn and Jeanie are in Washington and will not be available to be hands on at meetings, secuelas, etc. Several options are Joel Rice, Jerry Cate and possibly Kurt Kaiser. Thank You Note: It was suggested that we send a personal thank you card to Larry for his service on the Secretariat. Adele will take care of this. TD International Meeting: Sarah will be attending the Tres Dias International meeting in Texas in July She will take lots of notes and present a report at a future meeting. Essentials Training: There was a discussion about added a 5 minute presentation on weekend essentials at each Secuela in order to get more information out in the community. It was agreed to and will start at the next Secuela June Secuela: Maggie and Sam will speak at the next secuela. President Position: There was discussion about the recently vacated president position and how to go about filling it. Judy moved that we move Jerod from the vice-president position to president effective immediately. Don seconded and the vote was unanimous. We will now be on the search for vice-president nominations. Next Secretariat Meeting: The next meeting will be July 21st @ 6:30 pm at the Salsa Grill. Mike moved to close the meeting at 8:13, Don seconded, motion carried. Ron prayed. Members of the Secretariat Present: Mark & Jean Hershey, Jim Forgey, Donna Batt, Ken Phelps, Mike Hall, Judy Barnes and Teresa Waynetska
Members Not Present: Lorne Doggett
Meeting Called to Order: Mark called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm and Ken opened with prayer. Welcome to Women’s Chair: The group welcomed Judy Barnes to the board and are happy to have her join us. Minutes Read: It was noted that Mike Hall was missing as a member who was present at the last meeting. The correction will be made. Jim motioned to accept the minutes as amended, Jean seconded. Motion carried, minutes approved. Treasurer’s Report: Jim read the Treasurer’s Report, beginning balance $5,153.12. Total income of $1,755.00 included team fees in the amount of $1,625.00, book sales $44.00 and Secuela offering $86.00. One check was written to the DMV to register the trailer in the amount of $36.50. Leaving the ending balance at $6.871.62. Donna moved to accept the report and Teresa seconded, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Updated Website: Peggy has recently updated the website with team and candidate applications now available. The National website has also been updated. A bill for the website has been received and will be paid next month. Team Meetings: It was noted that more men are needed to serve on the weekend. Please be in prayer about that. Weekend Update: Montana has been contacted about our meeting dates. Larry Lauteret has agreed to be one of the men’s spiritual directors. Jarod would like to ask Lyn Hershey to serve as the second. Discussion followed on the implications of that appointment. John Grimstead of the Eagle United Methodist Church was also mentioned as a possible option for spiritual director. The board approved either of these men to serve. The board had a discussion about allowing a previous candidate to serve on a weekend who has not been saved. Lisa Lambert has inquired about helping this coming weekend, but has not been to any fourth day activities, team meetings or been attending church. It was moved to table the conversation until Donna has a chance to discuss the situation with Jeanie Hershey as her original sponsor. Weekend Costs: Jim presented a budget and actual expense report of prior years to show how the weekend costs are budgeted and typically allocated. Jim will simplify the budget and recategorize some items to make it easier to use. Jean motioned to accept this report as a tool to be used in the future, Judy seconded. Motion carried. It was also noted that Song Select was not necessary for the weekend and will be removed from the budget. NEW BUSINESS: Secuela and Team Meeting Supplies: There was a request to replenish supplies that have been being used from the PUMC store room. Mark will take an inventory of what is needed and reimburse the church for the items we are using. Ken motioned to use funds for this purpose and Jean seconded it. Motion carried. Secuela Fourth Day Speaker: Lorne is working on getting a fourth day speaker for the January Secuela. Fourth Day Position: Lorne Doggett’s term as the Fourth Day Coordinator is expiring at the end of February. The position opening will be announced at the January Secula. Round Table: Current Rectors and Rectoras, along with the Vices should be encouraged to attend Secretariat Meetings as often as possible. Donna was asked to continue serving in her position as Spiritual Director for another 2 year tern. Jerod suggested that we should try to plan to have a reunion Secuela with the Montana Tres Dias sometime next summer. Next Secretariat Meeting: The next meeting will be on February 19, 2016, 6:30 pm at the Hideaway Grille. Mark then motioned and Jim seconded that we adjourn the meeting. So moved, meeting adjourned and Jerod closed in prayer at 7:54 pm. |
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